Næsta hátíð: 21-24. Febrúar 2024

Umsóknarfrestur: Lokað

Hvar? Ljubljana, Slóveníu

Hversu margir mæta? 6000

Svið: 13


Indí rokk, Pop, Electronic, folk, rokk, hip-hop og Dj sett

MENT Ljubljana

Tónlistarhátíðin MENT í Ljubljana, Slóveníu hefur opnað fyrir umsóknir, Hátíðin mun fara fram 21 - 24 Febrúar 2024. MENT er þriggja daga bransahátíð og showcase festival sem haldin er árlega í lok febrúar í Ljubljana. Hátíðin heldur utan um 13 svið þar sem um 70 tónlistarfólk koma fram og er ein stærsta hátíð sinnar tegundar í Evrópu.


MENT Ljubljana is one of the leading showcase festivals and music conferences in Central and Eastern Europe and the largest event of its kind in the region. It is an award-winning festival of music discoveries, facilitating, in symbiosis with the conference, the presentation of music performers from all over Europe in front of international music professionals and audiences.

MENT Ljubljana is one of the leading showcase festivals and music conferences in Central and Eastern Europe and the largest event of its kind in the region. It is an award-winning festival of music discoveries, facilitating, in symbiosis with the conference, the presentation of music performers from all over Europe in front of international music professionals and audiences. At the last edition (March 2023), 76 artists from 20 countries performed across three days on 13 stages around Ljubljana, ranging from independent rock, pop, electronica and folk rock to hip-hop and DJ shows. The ninth edition was attended by more than 6,000 visitors in the three days, the majority of whom were local, though many also came from abroad, mainly from nearby countries – Croatia, Serbia, Hungary, Austria and Italy.

The international conference focuses on the music industry and creativity. The conference, which is the largest event of its kind in the wider region, was attended by 700 foreign and local music professionals (festival organizers, concert venue managers, publishers, music agents, managers, representatives of promotional agencies, media and other professional delegates). The participating delegates came from 31 countries.

In recent years, media coverage has come from all over Europe and beyond. The performing acts have appeared both in various local and regional European media as well as on the world-famous KEXP Radio, BBC Radio, Clash, The Wire, Under the Radar, The Quietus, The 405, Drowned in Sound and others. The event has proven to be extremely successful in terms of attendance as well as the quality of the performances and the positive response.

We are preparing the tenth edition of the festival and conference for 2024