Vegvísir um erlenda markaði

Vegvísirinn er handbók um helstu tónlistarmarkaði heims auk Norðurlandanna. Hér má nálgast upplýsingar um lykilfjölmiðla, fagaðila og tónlistarhátíðir á þessum mörkuðum. Vegvísirinn var unnin af Nordic Music Export (NOMEX) í samstarfi við allar útflutningsskrifstofur Norðurlandanna.

Upplýsingarnar eru á ensku, fyrir utan nokkrar síður sem eru á norsku. Síðurnar eru uppfærðar reglulega.

Ertu að fara í tónleikaferðalag? Hér eru ýmis góð ráð sem tengjast tónleikaferðalögum.


 Vegvísir um íslenska markaðinn

Iceland is a vast but sparsely populated island, with 65% of its 364 000 inhabitants living in the capital region of Reykjavik. As a consequence of such a small population, there is limited ‘music industry’ to speak of in a traditional sense – although Icelandic culture is rife with musicians, many of which have managed to gain international acclaim for over three decades.

Due to the lack of formal music businesses, Iceland’s music community is very DIY-based and artist-led. There are a number of festivals organized year-round around the country, while most key venues are in Reykjavik. Bookings tend to come from the Icelandic promoters and venues speaking directly to artists , rather than from external bookers.

However, the past few years have seen an evolution towards a more business focused and outward-facing music scene, with small companies coming into play, both in management and other fields.